Data provided should not be assumed as official.
Q. Are all documents necessary at the time of admission??
Not necessarily, documents like JoSAA letter, ID proof are must. Other missing document can be declared and submitted after wards. For more info see documents required.
Q. When will teaching begin??
Soon after end of admission process,(14rd Nov). Students should come prepared for accommodation
Q. Can I get my medical certificate made at NIT Hamirpur?
Yes, it's fairly easy, NIT's dispensary is near auditorium where admission process will take place.
Q. Can I get my study gap certificate made at NIT Hamirpur?
Yes there is facility arranged for convenience of students.
Q. I paid extra/less mess advances, what to do?
Try not to do but dues/extras would be carried over to next semester. But, if everybody pays less it would decrease quality of food as mess would be low on funds.
Q. What is my roll no. and what it means?
Your get your roll no. in second step as in todo. Your roll no. is of format YYBBBSSS (Y: year, B:Bachelors, B: Branch, S: Serial No.)(Ex. 22BCE032 22: 2022, CE: Civil Engineering, 032: Serial No.), for dual degree students first digit in place of B is D(ex. 22DCS001 CSE DD).
Q. Can I get my room changed?
Yes, contact your room allotment authority.